[ Ana Sayfa | Editörler | Danışma Kurulu | Dergi Hakkında | İçindekiler | Arşiv | Yayın Arama | Yazarlara Bilgi | E-Posta ]
Fırat Tıp Dergisi
2014, Cilt 19, Sayı 4, Sayfa(lar) 169-171
[ Turkish ] [ Tam Metin ] [ PDF ]
The Effect of Tolterodine Tartarate on Nasal Mucocıliary Clearance Time
Gül Soylu ÖZLER1, Serkan ÖZLER2
1Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi, Kulak Burun Boğaz Anabilim Dalı, Hatay, Türkiye
2Antakya Devlet Hastanesi, Üroloji Kliniği, Hatay, Türkiye

Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of tolterodine tartarate on mucociliary clearance time.

Material and Method: Mucociliary clearance time of patients planned to receive tolterodine tartarate with a diagnosis of overactive bladder before treatment and after a 6-month treatment period were measured. Saccharine test was used to measure nasal mucociliary clearance time.

Results: The mean mucociliary clearance time of patients before treatment was 8.65±1.29 minutes,whereas it was7.80±1.29 minutes after treatment. After treatment a statistically significant increase in mucociliary clearance time was observed (p=0.022).

Conclusion: The patients using tolterodine tartarate must be followed up for sinonasal and middle ear infections.

[ Turkish ] [ Tam Metin ] [ PDF ]
[ Ana Sayfa | Editörler | Danışma Kurulu | Dergi Hakkında | İçindekiler | Arşiv | Yayın Arama | Yazarlara Bilgi | E-Posta ]