Physicians spend most of their time in the hospital environment. Environmental and physical problems encountered in hospitals are important risk factors for the physical and mental health of physicians and may adversely affect the psychology of employees. Factors such as poor management, economic difficulties, negative workplace conditions, conflicts of interest and personal problems can cause physicians to face depression and burnout’ and their productivity to decrease in business life
Job satisfaction is defined as the employees’ satisfaction with their job and the positive emotional evaluation of themselves and their job. The concept of job satisfaction is a concept related to how physically and psychologically employees are satisfied with the work they undertake2. Factors such as having life-threatening duties and responsibilities, working under intense stress and pressure cause them to be in a higher risk group in terms of job satisfaction3.
First introduced in the 1920s, the concept of job satisfaction not only directly affects the physical and mental health of individuals, but also has positive effects on increasing efficiency and productivity in business life4. Insufficient job satisfaction can cause negative situations such as stress and group cohesion problems. Among the situations that indicate job dissatisfaction of the individual are low productivity, increase in complaints and grievances, increase in the rate of absenteeism and lateness4.
The concept of burnout was first mentioned by Herbert J. Freudenberger of German origin in 1974. It is defined as the physical and mental fatigue caused by an individual's professional life, and the loss of power and energy due to excessive demands and demands5. Burnout is derived from the English word burnout, which means a decrease in energy. There is a decrease in productivity in individuals experiencing burnout. The concept of burnout, which was first propounded by Herbert Freudenberger, of German origin, in 1974, was defined as exhaustion in individuals who are exposed to high levels of stress as a result of unfulfilled desires along with failure, weariness, loss of energy and power6. According to the widely accepted definition made by Maslach et al.7 burnout is addressed in three different dimensions that categorise the emotions related to emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation and personal success, which express the changes that occur in the life of the individual. According to this approach, burnout in the individual occurs with the increase of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, and the decrease in personal achievement.
Emergency physicians work in an extremely stressful environment and under intense pressure. Reasons such as heavy workload, caring for severe and terminally ill patients, and having to give emotional support to patients and their relatives, when necessary, cause stress and tension in emergency physicians. Inadequate working conditions and uneven distribution of service and personnel may also cause loss of energy, tension and an increase in the feeling of burnout8.
Depression is a disease in which the desire and pleasure of living is lost, leading the person to feel deep sadness, to pessimistic thoughts about the future, and carry a sense of regret and guilt about the past, and in which sometimes thoughts of death, sometimes suicide (suicide) attempts and ultimately death can occur, accompanied with related physiological disorders such as sleep, appetite, sexual desire, etc.9. Depression is a phenomenon of loss of interest, including the state of being anxious and sad, up to the physiological inability to work. Some of the symptoms of depression are: Negative feelings and thoughts about the self, depressed or sad mood, loss of love and interest and lack of pleasure, suicidal thoughts, poor concentration, pessimism, crying spells, self-blame and criticism, difficulty in making decisions, sleep, and appetite disorders, etc.10.
Emergency physicians are adversely affected by many factors such as increased workload, life-threatening duties and responsibilities, insomnia, fear of making mistakes, risks stemming from the work environment, and negative business relationships11. As a result, the defence mechanism formed from intense stress can reach pathological dimensions and bring problems such as depression12.
Physicians are under more stress than other healthcare professionals due to unhealthy physical working conditions, longer working hours, frequent shifts based on longer hours, mobbing, inability to take leave after shift, and working with lower wages 13. As a result, insufficiency in job satisfaction, increase in burnout levels and the frequency of depression appear as important problems in physicians. In our study, determining the job satisfaction levels, burnout levels and depression frequencies of emergency physicians, and the factors affecting them was aimed.