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Fırat Tıp Dergisi
2004, Volume 9, Number 1, Page(s) 23-27
[ Turkish ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF ]
Congenital Cleft Hand and Foot: Review of the Literature and Report of Two Cases
M. İhsan OKUR, A. Mustafa YILDIRIM, Rüştü KÖSE
Fırat Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Plastik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı, ELAZIĞ

Hand and foot functions of the cases with cleft hand and foot deformity are usually good. Autosomal dominant inheritance is frequently seen in case the existence of cleft hand and foot history in family. It is necessary in the therapy of the patient with cleft hand and foot both functional improvement and enhancement of the aesthetical condition, if possible. Early surgical therapy, especially in cleft foot, can prevent toe and finger deformities. Simply excision of the cleft skin and suturing of the tissues together do not give always best result. Surgical method should be chosen according to the condition of the case. Sometimes the best solution is achieved when surgery is not performed. We herein presented two cases that had congenital cleft hand and foot deformity. The both cases had bilateral cleft hand and foot. Cases were examined and evaluated but any surgical process was not performed.

[ Turkish ] [ Full Text ] [ PDF ]
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